23'' Ride
14'' Hi-Hats
21'' Crash/Ride
Lyric Series cymbals designed together with Ari Hoenig and took a year to accomplish the challenging development period. These Cymbals reflects the extraordinary musical character of Ari Hoenig and combines different tones in a brilliant way.
The line consists from 23” Ride, 21” Sizzle Ride and a pair of 14” hi-hats.
Both rides have clear stick definition while the 23" ride has a brighter tone than the 21" Sizzle Ride.
According to the Modern Drummer Magazine review (September 2014); "Both ride cymbals are quite thin and bendable, and they possessed the characteristic edge wobble of classic thin rides. The hi-hats, however, are almost what I would consider a “rock” weight, as both top and bottom are stiff and heavy—certainly not your garden-variety jazz cymbals."
Germany's top drumming magazine Drums & Percussion also reviewed the Ari Hoenig signature Lyric series and they have titled the article as Extremely Versatile!
The review is written by Ingo Baron who holds chief editor seat of the magazine currently and he commented; "These cymbals from Bosphorus are exceedingly fascinating and versatile instruments that harmoniously complement each other very well, while covering a wide range and with whom it just makes a lot of fun to go on a musical journey of discovery. Listen to these individual works of art once in stores more closely. It's worth it!"